TEST CASEA new instance is created for every test case. A possible suite setup and suite teardown share yet another instance. This is the default.TEST SUITEA new instance is created for every test suite. The lowest-level test suites, created from test case files and containing test cases, have instances of their own, and higher-level suites all get their own instances for their possible setups and teardowns.GLOBALOnly one instance is created during the whole test execution and it is shared by all test cases and test suites. Libraries created from modules are always global.来源: http://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.html#using-return-setting
Starting from Robot Framework 2.7.5, library documentation tool Libdoc supports documentation in multiple formats. If you want to use something else than Robot Framework's own documentation formatting, you can specify the format in the source code using ROBOT_LIBRARY_DOC_FORMAT attribute similarly as scope and version are set with their own ROBOT_LIBRARY_* attributes.The possible case-insensitive values for documentation format are ROBOT (default), HTML, TEXT (plain text), and reST (reStructuredText). Using the reST format requires the docutils module to be installed when documentation is generated.Setting the documentation format is illustrated by the following Python and Java examples that use reStructuredText and HTML formats, respectively. See Documenting libraries section and Libdoc chapter for more information about documenting test libraries in general.来源: http://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.html#specifying-documentation-format